February is here, and so is Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air, and we at Labor Solutions have caught the love bug! Who are we sweet on? We’ll tell you – it’s our employees!

Share the Love
Here at Labor Solutions, we deeply appreciate the dedication of our office staff as well as all of our workers that we send to companies all over Florida (and part of Georgia). We couldn’t do what we do so well without a fantastic supporting cast to work with. 

If you are in a position that also benefits from the labor of others, we encourage you to express your appreciation for your employees on a regular basis. Here’s some ideas for how to do so.

  • Never let a compliment go unspoken. When you see someone going above and beyond their job description, or taking on extra responsibilities for the sake of the team, acknowledge their efforts. Let them know that you see what they’re doing and you think it’s great.
  • Be specific with praise. Tell employees what they are doing particularly well. Targeted praise is far more gratifying than a general “Atta boy” pat on the back, so pinpoint exactly what it is that you are seeing that makes you happy.
  • Give everyone a chance to share the kudos. Consider establishing a means for employees to recognize each other. Encourage everyone to contribute by pointing out their peers’ outstanding efforts. This is a great way to build morale and solidarity among your team.
  • Meaningful milestones deserve mentions. Have a system in place to reward employees for important benchmarks, whether that’s years of service or consistently reaching quotas and goals. People spend a significant portion of their lives working for you, recognize that by celebrating their achievements with you.

Feeling Lonely? Labor Solutions Is Here for You!
Are you feeling undervalued, unappreciated, and unloved by your current employer? Or are you an employer looking for some fantastic workers to love? Labor Solutions is here to connect eager workers with employers who care, so give us a call and let us make a connection for you!