We work so hard to create a daily routine that helps us accomplish our goals with as little stress as possible, and then twice every year we have to adjust to having that schedule thrown off by an hour. We’re talking about Daylight Savings Time. Falling back and springing ahead inevitably causes some stress for most of us, so Labor Solutions has some tips to help you move through the time change without too much interruption.

Getting Ready to Spring Forward

Here at Labor Solutions we don’t have the power to stop time for you, but we have some advice for adjusting to the time change without major malfunctions. The key to success is preparation.

  1. Have a bedtime routine. Routines and rituals help communicate to our bodies and our brains that it’s time for something specific to happen. A bedtime routine doesn’t need to be complex to be effective. Perhaps taking a shower, having a cup of soothing herbal tea, and reading a novel for 30 minutes before going to bed could be a suitable ritual to help you unwind each night.
  2. Make a gradual change. You know that you’re going to lose an hour the morning of March 12, so get ready for it ahead of time by setting your alarm clock for 10 minutes earlier and earlier each day for the week leading up to the time change.
  3. Avoid napping. If you don’t normally nap, don’t let the time change alter your routine! Some things that you can do to snap out of sleepy daze are step outside and get some sunlight, take a five-minute break for some cardio exercise, even having a big glass of water is a natural way to increase alertness naturally.

Wake Up and Sign Up with Labor Solutions

If you’re not concerned about the clocks changing because you haven’t had a job in some time, then now is the time to connect with Labor Solutions! We’ll get you working in no time.