Labor Solutions addresses workplace staffing from all angles, making our services more complete.

There are lots of staffing agencies. Many simply send people to fill holes in your staffing. Labor Solutions, Inc. does it differently. Our services go far beyond simply filling gaps in staffing needs.

Many staffing companies boast about their expertise in one area or another. At Labor Solutions, Inc., we have experts in multiple areas. Members of our team are also cross-trained in other areas. This allows us, and our team, to serve you at an expert level, whatever industry you are in.

Safety is paramount for any business. One way to ensure safety is to make sure employees are well trained in the proper safety measures and follow those measures. From the time employees join us until the time they leave, they are constantly trained in proper safety practices. In addition, we can work with your personnel to perform site inspections and make suggestions to make the worksite more worker-friendly and, therefore, safer. Walking the site with you allows us to fully understand your current safety programs and procedures so we can work together to improve them.

Creative Solutions
Many companies have special staffing needs. We use our years of experience in the staffing industry to work with you to find and create flexible staffing solutions that fit the ever-changing needs of your company.

Team Support
With many staffing companies, you will have a dedicated person managing your account. This person serves as your go-to person when you need something or have questions. At Labor Solutions, Inc., we give you a team of people. Rather than just a single person, you are given access to our entire team. The team members work together to solve your staffing needs and address any problems or questions you may have.

The Perfect Fit
From short-term staffing to long-term “employee leasing,” we have the solutions that are right for your company’s needs. Furthermore, we are not interested in simply sending a “warm body” to fill a gap in your staffing. We hand-select skilled employees not only to fill the gap, but also to make your company better. With offices throughout Central Florida, we’re sure to have a location that can serve you well.