When it comes to the workforce and employment scene, the U.S.’s labor shortage has been the dominant topic of discussion at Labor Solutions for the last year or so. Initially attributed to yet another unforeseen side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, we now need to be more critical in our analysis of the situation to realize that there are a number of factors at work in this situation. For instance, let’s consider the current role of Baby Boomers in the workplace.

Baby Boomers Today

At this point, the generation born after WWII is comprised of individuals ranging from age 57 to 76, so many are at or above retirement age. As they prepare for the transition from full-time employment to retirement, we need to plan for their absence from the workplace.

About a quarter of our workforce is composed of Baby Boomers. Their demographic is characterized by a strong work ethic and dedication to employers. These long-term workers have been the backbone of the U.S. economy for the last 50 years. 

While Baby Boomers have been a group at higher risk of dire outcomes from COVID, it’s not health concerns that are driving the flood of retirees now leaving the labor pool. Much like their younger coworkers, Boomers want a better quality of life, and to enjoy the years they have left. We at Labor Solutions can certainly sympathize with this desire.

As this esteemed generation exits the workforce, employers should recall the great impact they’ve had on our society and economy over the years, while respecting the needs of younger workers as well. Be flexible with older workers seeking to decrease their workload, and be patient with Millennials and Gen Z workers who may have different priorities and goals from their Boomer counterparts. 

Labor Solutions Fills the Gaps

When you find your company short-handed due to retirees leaving and are dissatisfied with the applicants you’ve attracted to fill those roles, call Labor Solutions. We can keep your company staffed and running smoothly through every phase.