As we give thanks around our dinner tables with our loved ones, let us remember to also show our gratitude to the workers who keep our businesses running.

This is the time of year when we pause to give thanks for the many blessings we have bestowed on us each and every day. At Labor Solutions, we are so very grateful for our wonderful clients and amazing workers because without them, we wouldn’t be in business. If you are a business owner or in a management position at the company you work for, this is a terrific time to let your employees know how much you value them.

Ideas for Employee Appreciation
Showing sincere appreciation for your employees can go a long way in boosting morale in your workplace. Here are a few ideas from Labor Solutions to let your team know that you recognize their efforts throughout the year and are thankful for them.

  • Potluck party. Food is on everyone’s mind right now – the traditional turkey and ham and all the delicious side dishes that we enjoy. Host a potluck at work so people can share their special days and take a break from work to socialize with each other.
  • Allow casual dress days. If your dress code is strict, try to loosen it up for the holidays, or at least on Fridays. Encourage fun, seasonal apparel – have a Christmas sweater contest!
  • Offer some time off. Many people would like to spend more time with their families during the holidays. If it’s feasible, offer employees some extra time off, maybe by shortening the workday or closing up shop for an extra day. 
  • Everyone loves a bonus. You can’t go wrong with a little extra padding in the paycheck! Even the Grinchiest of employees won’t mind seeing some monetary gratitude just in time for the holiday shopping season.

Appreciation Every Day
Don’t let employee appreciation be a once-and-done event, either. Remember to take care of the people who work for you throughout the year. They spend a lot of time and energy taking care of your business, so let them know that you are grateful for their service whenever you get the chance. At Labor Solutions, we know how important it is for people to feel recognized and valued for the work they do, and we want all of our employees to know that we appreciate what they do every day.