No matter what line of work you are in, your health should take priority. You can’t do your job or take care of your family if your body is falling apart. Labor Solutions recognizes the importance of health and safety, and so do our clients. Therefore, we encourage you to listen to your body when you’re hard at work, and pay attention to what it needs.

An Ounce of Prevention…
Although some types of work are inherently more physically demanding or dangerous than others, every job has the potential for injury. Even sitting at a desk all day can cause problems. Whether you work on your feet or in front of a computer monitor, pay attention to signs of discomfort or fatigue. These are warning signs from your body telling you that you need a break, a change of position, or help. 

Ignoring the cries for help from your body can result in a myriad of risks, including serious injury. Don’t push yourself to the limit – take periodic breaks to give your body a chance to rest and recuperate. A quick break from a task, just 10 to 15 seconds every 10 minutes, can make a world of difference. Every 30 to 60 minutes, take a short break, about three to five minutes. These mini-breaks will help reduce discomfort and improve your job performance overall.

Stretching before and after your shift can also help to reduce fatigue and strain. We at Labor Solutions often take a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day to give our muscles some gentle stretching. It can make a big difference in how you feel at the end of the day!

Work Is Waiting for You
Whether you are currently unemployed, dissatisfied with your current job, or simply interested in bigger and better opportunities, Labor Solutions can help you find a position you’ll love. We have the experience and the connections to get you in the door with a great company.