If you are an employer and you are looking to hire more people, Labor Solutions has tips to help you maximize your candidate search and fill positions more efficiently. As people incorporate technology into their daily lives, they find ways to get more done on the go. That doesn’t stop at social media. As smartphones and tablets have exploded in popularity, so has the number of people searching for their next job online. So why not take as much advantage of that as you can?

Recent studies have shown that blue-collar job seekers are searching for their next job on mobile devices at an increasing rate. Yet candidates on mobile platforms complete 53% fewer applications, and the applications that are completed take 80% longer to finish. If you’re thinking of making your applications user-friendly, stop thinking and hop on board! As mobile job searching grows, employers can take advantage by optimizing their mobile sites to make them fast and easily navigable on smaller devices.

One of the most important steps you can take is to make your applications as quick to fill out as possible. You don’t need to leave out any of the important parts, just shorten them so you get enough good candidates in your radar. You will want to also test the process yourself so you know exactly what obstacles candidates face and how long it takes to fill out one of your own applications.

Labor Solutions specializes in matching job seekers with the perfect employers. Reach out to our staff if you have any questions or concerns. Labor Solutions is always here to help your business thrive.