Have you been waiting on a response to a job offer for awhile? Or are you wondering why you can’t seem to find a good candidate to fill your requirements? Labor Solutions is here to help you and your business find the right employees with a few tips. Don’t fall victim to these hiring mistakes.

Hiring Mistakes

Use appropriate job titles. Prospective candidates are searching words that have to do with what job they want. Using descriptions and titles with unrelated words or phrases will lower your chances of a good candidate coming across your job listings. Avoid words like “guru” or “ninja” especially.

Follow up. While you may think if you are not going to hire someone after an interview that you don’t have to let them know they were not hired, it is counterproductive to the process of finding a good candidate that can fill your criteria. If you don’t follow up, then this will count as a negative experience for someone, and they may share this experience with friends and associates, lower your chances to find a good candidate. Try to call back even if they are not a good fit.

Explain company culture and company branding. You should highlight things about your workplace that are worth knowing and that are appealing, such as fun opportunities in the office. Respond to comments on your job listings to explain your workplace environment.

Stop searching for perfection. Looking for the absolutely perfect candidate is impossible, so why stress yourself out doing just that? A good candidate is out there, but you will keep passing them along because you’re looking for something that isn’t real. Give someone a chance and let them grow and learn within your business.

Manage your time wisely. Plan your interviews ahead of time. Make sure to come up with questions that are important, and make specific time slots for your interviews. Use technology to your advantage; video calls are a great way to maximize on time. They are just like any other face-to-face interview, except they save time. You don’t have to interview every person who applies. Make a list of answers you know for sure. This can help you rule out candidates who don’t fit.

Use these tips to your advantage so hiring a new employee won’t be so stressful anymore. Our staff here at Labor Solutions is dedicated to making sure you get the best employees to fit your business needs.