One of the most effective ways to ensure a company’s success is to empower employees to be actively engaged and invested in the company’s goals. At Labor Solutions, we work with many different types of businesses throughout Florida and Georgia, and over the years we’ve noticed some things about companies that thrive throughout changing circumstances. Those that overcome obstacles and continue to succeed tend to have employees that truly care about the company’s success.

Engaged Employees Are Effective Employees
According to a State of the Global Workplace report released by Gallup, only about 15 percent of employees throughout the world are truly engaged in their jobs. These are the people who commit their time, talent, and personal energy to their work and take on the organization’s goals as their own. These are the people you want working for you, and Labor Solutions can help you find them.

About two-thirds of the average workplace is not really engaged, but not actively disengaged, either. Workplace leaders can improve employee engagement by clearly defining and conveying a dynamic vision for the organization, then hiring managers who are invested in that vision while providing them with the resources to succeed.

Managers need to prioritize employee engagement and ensure that their teams have the right training, are given meaningful work, and keep the lines of communication open. So how can you get your employees more engaged?

  • Make sure your employees know what is expected of them.
  • Ensure employees have proper resources and training.
  • Remember the importance of recognition, constructive criticism, and praise.
  • Foster trust between employees and supervisors.
  • Make sure employees feel heard and valued.
  • Understand how your employees contribute to the organization’s mission.
  • Create opportunities for growth.

Find Great Employees with Labor Solutions
At Labor Solutions, we strive to identify individuals who have the potential to add real value to your company. When you need to find employees who will make a difference, let Labor Solutions introduce you to the right people.