It’s a great time to find work – many companies are hiring and not many candidates are applying right now.

Over the last year, Labor Solutions has seen a lot of people lose their jobs due to COVID-19 and the resulting economic repercussions. Fortunately, many people have been able to get by and make ends meet by collecting unemployment. However, we are now encountering a situation in which the unemployment rate is higher than normal, yet short-staffed employers are having trouble getting anyone hired. What’s going on here?

Time to Get Back to Work
Labor Solutions understands what kind of stress the entire nation has been under during the last year. There’s been a lot of uncertainty, confusion, and chaos surrounding the coronavirus and its effects on public health. Thank goodness there is an unemployment safety net to help people survive during such uncertain times.

If you are receiving unemployment, now is the time to gear up for your next job search. For one thing, it’s an employee’s market right now. Companies are desperate for help, and not many applicants are showing up, so if you play your cards right, you could potentially land your dream job within the next few months.

Let’s be frank – the unemployment payments won’t last forever, and when they run out, there are going to be a lot of people scrambling to pick up work fast. Don’t be one of them! Plan your future now. Hiring managers will appreciate your initiative during trying times, which could help you advance your career down the road. Ultimately, getting a jump on your job search now, before it becomes a crisis situation, is going to be a good thing for your future employment status and job security.

Ready to Get Started?
Here at Labor Solutions, we know who is hiring, and who needs help NOW. So get your resume updated and send it to us this week! We would love to get you back to work soon.