Overcoming the jitters can be a real challenge when interviewing for jobs, so we have some ideas to help you conquer your nervousness and come across as confident.

When getting ready for a job interview, it’s perfectly normal to experience some nervousness. This is especially true if it’s been some time since you’ve last had to look for work. No matter how you feel, you want to appear confident. Sometimes, that’s just a matter of having to “fake it ‘til you make it!” Labor Solutions has some advice to help you portray a sense of calm, confident professionalism in your next interview.

Get Ready to Shine!
First off, preparation is key. So make sure you are well prepared before you even walk through that door with these expert tips from Labor Solutions.

Before the Interview: 

  • Anticipate common interview questions and rehearse your answers so you’re ready when they ask.
  • Assess yourself. Do you fidget when nervous? Ask a friend or family member to help you notice any subconscious habits that you act out when nervous and work on controlling those impulses.
  • Establish a calming routine. Deep breathing techniques can drastically reduce your jitters under pressure. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a moment, then exhale completely through your mouth while focusing on centering yourself.
  • Dress for success by checking out the company’s dress code ahead of time and choosing an appropriate interview outfit. If you’re still not sure what to wear, opt for something on the formal side.

During the Interview:

  • Greet your interviewer with a firm – but not overly forceful – handshake. Make sure your palm isn’t sweaty, and give them a sincere smile.
  • Maintain eye contact that is steady and natural, but not excessively intense. Glance at your resume periodically if you feel like you’re staring too long.
  • Keep your back straight and your shoulders back – good posture conveys confidence. Sit with your arms unfolded and keep your chin up.
  • Speak slowly and clearly. Don’t ramble. If you need a moment to think, use a response such as, “That’s a good question. May I have a moment to think about that?”

You Got This!
Finally, no matter what the outcome of the interview, maintain a positive attitude. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t hire you – it’s nothing personal if you’re just not a good fit for the position. Don’t forget that Labor Solutions is always here to lend a hand as you put yourself out there for work, so make sure that we have a current resume on file for you.