Just like that, 2020 is upon us. A whole new year, a whole new decade, and most of us have the same thought on our minds — change.

But when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions, most of us tend to make vague, generalized goals (lose weight, save money) that are tough to track progress on. At Labor Solutions, we’ve learned that a better way to ensure the changes you make outlast long-sleeve weather (especially here in Central Florida) is to make them specific and measurable — lose 50 pounds by summer, or save $1,500 by the end of the year.

Revitalizing your life does not have to be a time-consuming endeavor. Here are four ways to give your life a deep clean, 10 minutes at a time.

  • Eat Your Biggest Frog First
    Is there a task on your to-do list that you always dread? Try knocking it out first thing. That way, the task is not looming over your head for the entire day. You may just find, without that particular dark cloud, the rest of your day goes a little smoother.
  • Take Time to Breathe Deep
    In high-stress situations, our breathing tends to get shallower and more rapid. When we slow our breathing down, that sends a signal to our brains that it’s time to relax. Even thirty seconds of slow, methodical breathing can help steady our bodies and clear our minds.
  • Get Active … in Small Doses
    Most of us either want to lose weight or become more active. Good intentions, but making time to go to the gym can be off-putting. Instead, focus on ways to make little changes. Take the stairs instead of riding the elevator. Park a little further away. Over time, the benefits will add up.
  • Make Some ‘Me Time’
    Self-care may be something of a buzz word these days, but that doesn’t change the impact it can have. Doing something for yourself, that adds value to your life, can melt away the stress of the day. Play with your pet, or read a chapter of a book. But skip the social media scroll; this can add stress right back.