Onboarding is an integral part of the hiring procedure. It can be a tedious process, with a seemingly endless, often repetitive amount of paperwork and setting up to do. Now, more than ever before, employers and employees often must navigate this process without even being in the same building together. As remote working becomes more prevalent, Labor Solutions would like to offer some tips for effective onboarding of remote employees.

Bringing on Remote Workers
At Labor Solutions, we understand the necessity and the convenience of allowing some jobs to be done remotely rather than on-site. However, it can be easy to inadvertently skip important details when bringing on new workers in a virtual environment. This makes it wise to over-prepare for onboarding employees. 

Gather all training materials in one location for ease of access online. Create a prioritization checklist to ensure that all documents are completed and all training sessions are attended. Making this type of organization standard procedure will reduce stress on you while making it easier for the new hires to move efficiently through the tasks.

Early in the process, schedule a video conference to introduce new team members to each other and to other supervisors and company figures they’ll be working with. Assign each new hire a mentor that they can contact for additional support.

Finally, keep in touch with new hires by checking in on them regularly. Ask whether they have any questions, concerns, or comments about the training materials and whether they feel confident beginning their new assignment. Be patient as people learn their way around unfamiliar systems, and encourage them to reach out with any questions that may arise.

Labor Solutions Is Here to Help
Hiring new staff through Labor Solutions can help ensure that the candidates are thoroughly vetted and screened before they even interview with you, thereby streamlining your hiring process. Just give us a call anytime you need extra hands!