If you can speak more than one language, let employers know – they’re looking for you!

The ability to speak more than one language is a highly desirable skill. At Labor Solutions, we are always on the lookout for bilingual or multilingual workers for various positions. If you possess these highly adaptable language skills, make sure that you are benefiting from them by showcasing them on your resume.

Sell Your Skills
The United States has always been a melting pot of cultures, so there are bound to be subsets of our population that don’t speak English. Florida, as a tourist state, is especially in need of multilingual workers to effectively interact with some of our international visitors.

Currently, Spanish is the most sought-after second language among hiring managers. Other languages that are in demand include Chinese, Arabic, and French-Creole. If you are fluent in multiple languages, let Labor Solutions know! We’ll point you in the right direction for a great job utilizing your unique skills.

Make sure that your resume includes information about your communication abilities. Include the credentials that you have in your language skills, such as whether you are a native speaker of that language or if you have studied the language extensively. If you can, give examples of how your language skills have benefited past employers.

Market Your Skills With Labor Solutions
There are a wide variety of positions across many industries in search of bilingual employees, so if you have this marketable skill, use it to your advantage! When you register with Labor Solutions, let us know what languages you can speak and your level of fluency so we can determine what open positions you are best suited for. 

Even if English is your first and only language, Labor Solutions is still happy to help you find work. There are jobs out there for everybody, so no matter what your skills are, we can find the right fit for you.