Everyone is feeling stressed and worried right now, making it especially important for employers to keep employees motivated.

With so many businesses temporarily closed or restricted due to concerns over the coronavirus pandemic, employees who are still working may be experiencing a degree of stress or panic. Nearly everyone is worried about the well-being of their families, both health-wise and economically. At Labor Solutions, we understand what people are going through right now, and we have a few tips to help keep employees motivated and lift morale during these difficult times.

Keeping Employees Motivated
Many people are being forced to stay home, work from home, or have had their work hours reduced. Others in essential industries are doing their best to keep up with current demand. As an employer, you have a responsibility to your employees to help them stay sane and productive when it seems like the world is falling apart around them. Here are a few simple ideas to keep employees motivated.

  • Recognize people’s efforts. No one likes to feel taken for granted, especially now. Be generous and sincere with your compliments, and look for ways to reward hard work.
  • Keep communicating. The uncertainty in the air is palpable these days. People are fighting back against fear to maintain some semblance of normalcy. Be clear with your employees about how the company is being affected by current events and what the plan is moving forward.
  • Respect work/life balance. The coronavirus is affecting people’s lives in many ways. Be flexible with employees who need time off to care for relatives or take care of other personal business.

Labor Solutions Will Help You Through It
If you need temporary staff to ease the burden of overworked employees or to cover for those who need to take time off, call Labor Solutions. We are committed to helping local businesses and workers make it through these challenging times.