Over the past year, we’ve discovered just how many jobs can be done remotely. The question that comes up most often is, will this trend continue after the health crisis has passed? Labor Solutions doesn’t have a crystal ball to tell us what the future holds, but we do our research and talk to our clients to try to anticipate coming trends.

What Will ‘Normal’ Be Like in 2021 and Beyond?
The coronavirus pandemic that hit 2020 hard has shown us many things about how our societies and economies function – both positive and negative. We learned about the many jobs that truly are essential, and that a lot (but not all) of jobs can be performed offsite. Like so many other businesses, Labor Solutions has had to make adjustments to our day-to-day routines in order to protect our employees and business contacts.

While there are a lot of people and companies who desperately want things to go back to the way they were before the pandemic, there are others who are actively embracing the changes. There are benefits to working from home, and there are benefits to working in an office. Ultimately, we expect to see a hybrid model emerge, where many companies allow more flexibility in terms of how often employees come into the office versus working from home.

Giving employees options for how they operate will create a ripple effect, as people rethink their home technology needs, where they live, and their transportation needs. It’s hard to say what overall impact this could have on our society, but Labor Solutions remains optimistic that these changes will create greater personal and job satisfaction for many people, while invigorating our economy at multiple levels.

Find Great Hires with Labor Solutions
Whether you need remote workers or people on the front lines of your business, Labor Solutions can help you find the best employees out there. Prepare for the future with Labor Solutions