When you work hard, it’s nice to be recognized for the effort you put in. Sometimes, though, it can seem like no one appreciates what you really do. This can be frustrating, and discouraging, especially in the context of your job. We at Labor Solutions believe in the value of teamwork, perseverance, and recognition, so we have some tips to help you really stand up and stand out at work.

Don’t Be Shy!
First of all, don’t hide from your supervisors. Be bold, engage with management, and keep those lines of communication open. This will make it that much easier to promote your accomplishments when the time comes. 

Next, take stock of what your accomplishments actually are. Focus on the results here, not just what you’ve been doing. Busy is good, but it’s even better when you can show real progress on a project or task. That gives you something to talk about with that supervisor. The team at Labor Solutions can also help shine a light on what you’ve achieved, so be sure to keep us in the loop.

If your coworkers or customers have made comments to you about how you’ve helped them or solved a problem that they were struggling with, ask them if they’d be willing to let the boss know about it. A quick note can go a long way in demonstrating your effectiveness and value to the organization. 

This last point can be a little trickier, but it’s extremely helpful: take back your stolen ideas. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you shared a good idea with a coworker just to see them turn around and present it as their own, you know how frustrating this can be. However, if you’ve done your homework and have the research and projections on hand when your idea gets tossed around by others, you can really impress the decision-makers in the company by being more prepared than anyone else to expound upon the concept. 

Stand Up and Stand Out!
At Labor Solutions, we want to know what you’ve done, what you’re doing, and what your goals are, so don’t be afraid to share with us. The more we know about your professional achievements, the better prepared we are to get you into a job that you’ll love.