The songsmith John Phillips wrote, “Every other day of the week is fine, but whenever Monday comes you can find me crying all of the time.”

Not all of us have such a strong reaction to beginning the work week, but social media is full of posts bemoaning the end of the weekend. Want to get your work week off to a great start? Here are four things you can do Sunday nights to help beat the Monday blues.

Make a List
Putting everything you need to do in the upcoming week down in writing (physically or digitally) helps you to see everything coming, and having a reminder in front of you keeps things from getting lost. Plus, as you get things done, you get the satisfaction of crossing them off. Once you have your list, compare with your spouse/partner/children/etc. to be sure your week doesn’t contain any surprises.

Get Your Priorities Straight
How often do we “major in minors,” devoting time and energy into tasks that really don’t matter, while important jobs are left undone? By taking the time to list out your responsibilities for the week, you are also able to prioritize them, tackling them in an efficient order to make the most of your time.

Meal Plan/Prep
No matter how many are in your household, at some point, you will need to figure out what to eat. Getting a plan in place ahead of time can stop the third drive-thru run of the week. If you enjoy cooking, make sure you have all of your ingredients on hand, ready to go for each day’s meals. If the kitchen is not your favorite, you can do all of the prep work on Sunday and freeze the results, so all you need to do is pop something in the crockpot in the morning.

Be Restful
Beyond going to bed on time (or early), make sure you take time to unwind Sunday evening. Meditate, read a book, soak in the tub if you like — but make sure you aren’t carrying last week’s stress into the next.

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