Lots of people get nervous about going to a job interview, so if you’re one of them, you needn’t feel alone! As a recruiter for a variety of different industries, Labor Solutions gets to interact with many types of workers, from industrial to clerical, agricultural to educational, and more. Interview anxiety is not industry-specific – anyone looking for work can succumb to the nervousness associated with being interviewed for a position. We’ve put together a few ideas to help you overcome this uneasiness and connect more easily with the person interviewing you.

Connecting with the Interviewer
Why do you want to make a connection with an interviewer? Well, you only get one chance to make a first impression, and you want it to be a good one. Building rapport with the interviewer helps them get a feel for your personality and whether or not you would be a good fit with the company. 

Labor Solutions is dedicated to the success of all our workers, so we want you to excel at your interviews. Follow these tips to make a good impression in your next interview:

  • Show up to the interview on time and well prepared. Do your research on the company and the position you’re applying for.
  • Use good manners. Be polite to the receptionist and anyone else you encounter on your way in.
  • Stay calm, be confident. Confidence goes a long way in making a good impression. Remember that you have prepared for this interview, you have the skills they are looking for, and you are capable of performing well.
  • Watch your body language. Eye contact, posture, hand positioning…. Make sure that your body language is sending the right message.
  • Show interest and ask questions. Use your active listening skills to engage with what the interviewer is saying. Ask relevant follow-up questions.

We Want You to Succeed
Here at Labor Solutions, we celebrate the success of every one of our workers and staff members. After all, our business depends on the achievements of our employees. Your professional progress is something we can all be proud of!