In today’s diverse workplace, it is necessary to be able to communicate clearly with many different types of people.

Poor communication skills can be a real detriment in any workplace. It can inhibit your ability to coordinate effectively with coworkers, decrease productivity, and result in poor customer experiences. In order to achieve your maximum professional potential, you need to be able to communicate cogently with a diverse audience. Labor Solutions has some guidance to offer in this direction.

Communication Is Key

The modern workplace is staffed by a more diverse workforce than in previous generations, which is a great thing overall. Diversity adds versatility to a company. However, when people come together who have a variety of backgrounds and cultural heritages, communication issues can arise more easily.

For example, although English is spoken in many countries, English-speakers who hail from different parts of the world may have trouble understanding each other’s accents and idioms. Gestures and body language can also vary in meaning across cultures. Even the tone of voice you speak with can convey different connotative meanings to people of disparate backgrounds.

So how are we to overcome these hurdles? At Labor Solutions, we deal with all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds. We suggest that first, you should focus on how you express yourself. Do you use a great deal of slang or pop culture references? Train yourself to speak clearly and concisely, by enunciating well and using proper grammar. Pay attention to your body language. Learn to control your subconscious motions and fidgety behavior to avoid sending the wrong messages out.

Next, spend some time learning about those with whom you are communicating. Engage in active listening to identify speech patterns and common phrases that you may not be familiar with, then either ask the person directly (and politely) what those things mean, or make a note to do some research about it later.

Get Hired with Labor Solutions

At Labor Solutions, we strive to clearly communicate with all of our clients and workers. We believe it is important that everyone understand what is expected and needed in order for success to occur. If you’ve been frustrated by other staffing agencies that don’t seem to listen to you, give Labor Solutions a call – we’ll hear you.