Feeling lost? Pick up one of these useful books for some great career advice!

When it comes to our careers, we could all use a little good advice from time to time. Here at Labor Solutions, we are always on the lookout for great resources for the career-minded. There have been some terrific books written on the subject of career advice. We have curated a short list of recommended reading to help you forge ahead on your own career path. 

Sound Advice on the Career Front
There are lots of excellent books available to help you in your chosen field, these are just a few that we at Labor Solutions felt were worth sharing.

  • “Designing Your Life,” by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. This is an interesting take on life advice – the premise is to use design principles and apply them to your career. A key takeaway is the notion of problem finding as opposed to problem solving.
  • “The Adventures of Johnny Bunko,” by Dan Pink. This fun graphic novel breaks down choosing a career into six sensible pieces of advice. Great tips couched in a highly engaging format.
  • “Do Over,” by Jon Acuff. A very entertaining book  full of useful, realistic tips. The author covers four basic skills that should be developed to help build resilience while on the hunt for your dream job.
  • “When Breath Becomes Air,” by Paul Kalanithi. This book is unique in its own special way. It’s more life advice than explicit career advice, but it makes some truly profound points about what makes life worth living – an important perspective when feeling consumed by work.
  • “The Dip,” by Seth Godin. A quick and easy read that can help you determine if you are in a rut or just getting where you want to be slowly. It’s a great motivator to help you get moving.

Career Advice from Labor Solutions
One of the best ways to try out a variety of different fields before settling on a career path is by doing temp work. Labor Solutions can help you find your true calling by making it safe and easy to sample many types of work before making a commitment.