The modern workplace consists of people from a variety of backgrounds and of a wide range of ages. These differences can sometimes lead to difficulties in communication, disagreements, and other forms of friction. Labor Solutions would like to consider how we can bridge some of those gaps, starting with age differences.

Born in a Different Time

To some degree, we all tend to be defined by the era in which we were born. That’s the underlying premise of delineating populations by generation. Just think about the vast differences experienced by Gen Z growing up as opposed to Baby Boomers!

At Labor Solutions, we try to build connections with workers of all ages, and at the heart of this effort is communication. The different generations often are comfortable with distinct forms of communication. Baby Boomers will pick up the phone to call us, whereas younger adults are more likely to send an email. Make sure that your employees have access to a variety of communication tools to most effectively collaborate with teammates.

Many Baby Boomers, and some Generation X members, are reaching retirement age and will choose to leave the workforce soon. Take advantage of their years of experience now by scheduling training sessions that incorporate the wisdom of your older workers. Give them the opportunity to pass along what they’ve learned to the younger generations of workers. 

Remember that people will have different priorities at different stages of life, so be flexible when it comes to scheduling. Young adults who are fresh out of school may be eager to prove their worth to the company and more willing to take the holiday shifts that employees with families would prefer to have off. 

Labor Solutions for Every Age

At Labor Solutions, we see the value in every worker, from the new graduate to the retiree looking for part time work, and everyone in between. Every age group has something special to contribute to a team!