We tend to put an emphasis on maximizing productivity in the working world, but it’s possible to go too far with this. Labor Solutions is committed to creating healthy work environments, so now we’d like to focus on “toxic productivity” and how to avoid it.

What Is Toxic Productivity?

Everyone has goals they want to achieve, and most of us need to work hard to achieve those goals. In recent years there’s been an increased focus on the need to “hustle” and “grind” in order to make ends meet and excel. Hard work is great, but encouraging people to chronically overwork themselves can be detrimental.

Rest and self-care are important components of healthy productivity. If you feel anxious or guilty when you’re not working, you may need to slow down and take some time to yourself. Ignoring your need to rest and recharge can result in a poorer quality of work, plus it can lead to physical health problems. Don’t work yourself into an early grave – take time to care for your well-being.

Toxic productivity has been on the rise due to factors like remote working and company cultures that place a high value on selfless dedication to productivity. We at Labor Solutions know that hard work pays off, but we believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to help reduce the excessively high expectations we place on ourselves and each other.

Healthy competition can be a great way to inspire excellence among employees, but so can teamwork. Recognize that we all have different capabilities and responsibilities beyond work, so let’s stop comparing each other and find ways to complement each other’s strengths without encouraging burnout among our colleagues.

Healthy Productivity

One way to encourage a healthier style of productivity is by making sure you have enough staff to adequately complete the work that needs done. Labor Solutions can provide you with as many workers you need at any time to ease the stress on your entire team.