Have you been working remotely during the pandemic? With effective vaccines widely available, more and more businesses are moving back to regular, pre-pandemic operations, which means that they’ll be expecting many of their employees to return to their standard workplaces. Labor Solutions knows that this has been an unusual, sometimes stressful, situation for most workers, so we came up with a few tips to help you transition back into on-site work.

Going Back to the Jobsite
If it’s time for you to get a haircut and go back to your old job, or even if you are starting a new on-site job, Labor Solutions has some ideas for making the switch a little easier.

  • Maintain a routine. If you have developed a certain routine while working from home, try to incorporate some aspects of that schedule into your new work routine. The familiarity will help reduce the stress of creating a new schedule. 
  • The comforts of home. Working from home allows for a great deal of flexibility and comfort. You may not be able to go to work in your pajamas anymore, but if you can take a houseplant from your kitchen to work to place on your desk, or your favorite tea bags so you can still enjoy your mid-morning cup of tea, do so. You might be surprised by how much you miss being at home, so prepare ahead of time.
  • Maintain clear communication with coworkers. Being back in the office surrounded by your teammates will make it easier to communicate with them face-to-face, but remember that everyone has more or less grown accustomed to using email and phone calls to ask questions and give updates. Don’t go silent on those channels. Continue to use technology to make sure that everyone is on the same page. 

Are You Ready?
If you don’t have a job that you are returning to and are looking for one, Labor Solutions can help. We have open positions available throughout Florida in multiple industries, so take a look at our job board to see what’s right for you.