In this day and age, practically everyone is on some form of social media. There are so many platforms to choose from that you can tailor your social media presence to best represent you for whatever your goals might be. If you are looking for professional advancement, Labor Solutions suggests that you use LinkedIn. Why? Because LinkedIn is the social media site specifically for promoting yourself professionally.

Why LinkedIn Matters
Believe it or not, most employers will look you up on social media before they hire you. Labor Solutions knows that LinkedIn is the best way to make sure that prospective employers see the best side of you for hiring. LinkedIn provides an opportunity to present yourself professionally with lots of information pertinent to your career.

Many top companies use LinkedIn to recruit new talent. It is easy for companies to find high-quality candidates with the skills and experiences they are looking for on LinkedIn. If you haven’t finished filling in your LinkedIn profile yet, go ahead and do that! You never know who might be scoping out your info to make you an incredible offer.

Social media is used primarily for keeping in touch with friends and family and widening your social network. While Facebook and Instagram can be a little informal, showcasing photos of people having fun on vacation or enjoying special days with special people, LinkedIn is geared more toward professional networking. This is where people go online to discuss career issues and their professional goals. Make sure you are keeping in the loop with your colleagues by checking in on LinkedIn from time to time.

Labor Solutions and LinkedIn
While you are updating your professional profile on LinkedIn, make sure to connect with Labor Solutions! We check out LinkedIn regularly to see what our employees and our clients are up to, so get with the program and get on the best social media site for professional development.