When looking for work, it is especially important to make sure that your social media and online presence is professional in appearance.

When was the last time you Googled yourself? Okay, if you’re done giggling now, let’s get serious for a second! We need to face the facts of the 21st century and understand that our employers are going to look us up online. This is a growing trend, and it’s not going away. Labor Solutions wants you to put your best foot forward during any job search, so we’d like to take a moment to address how you present yourself on social media.

Social Media and the Job Interview
These days, it’s pretty much common practice to look up a prospective employee online, just to see what comes up. Go ahead and type your own name into Google and see what a potential employer might find. Is it positive? Is it accurate? 

The best way to ensure that your name is associated with the type of information that employers will approve of is to simply be careful what you share and post online. Keep your humor family-friendly and your comments professional. If you have contentious opinions, consider keeping them to yourself when interacting online. And whatever you do – don’t complain about your job, your boss, or your coworkers. 

Labor Solutions has, unfortunately, seen plenty of otherwise outstanding job candidates miss out on a great opportunity because their online presence was less than desirable. It’s easy to get carried away in front of the computer or phone and present yourself in an exaggerated manner, but think about how that would look to your next boss. While you’re cleaning up your profiles, go ahead and turn on some privacy settings. They aren’t foolproof, but a little privacy protection is better than none at all.

Labor Solutions and You
When you are ready to head back into the employment market, be sure to register with Labor Solutions. We have connections with many industries throughout the state, and can help you find a position that suits you.